Account Access

John Hancock Retirement Plans - Using the web site, click "register" and follow the 3 steps outlined below for access to information and their inovative online tools. Step 1 - enter your 5-digit contract number. Step 2 - select a username and password Step 3 - activate your account information. Once you are enrolled, John Hancock will mail you a Personal Identification Number(PIN) When you receive it and log back into the site, you will be asked to enter your 5 digit PIN to access your account information as a one-time validation step. If you have any questions, please call 1-800-395-1113 Mon-Fri 7am-midnight (ET) Sat 8am-8pm (ET) En Espanol 1-800-363-0530

SEI Investments - The site provides real-time access to your SEI Investments account. This is more current information than most other sites that “freeze” data at a moment in time, usually as of the previous night. You no longer need to wait until tomorrow to determine what has happened in your account today. Signing up for access is easy. Just go to and register for your User ID. To do so, you will need the following information: Personal Information - • First and last name • Phone number • Email address • Mailing address Security Information - This information will be used to verify your identity should you forget your password or have any inquires about your Internet Access privileges. • Social security number • Place of birth • Date of birth • Mother's maiden name